I have a pet peeve specific to the Iphone. Don't get me wrong there are other phone users who make the same grievous faux pas but it seems that if you get an Iphone it becomes imperative that you do this.....like there is some mind altering frequency being emitted from the earpiece...
It goes something like this...
You are in a restaurant (insert other public place or social gathering) and of course everyone takes their phones out and sets them in sight in case the sitter/spouse (or someone more important than the people you are with) calls/texts. Inevitably two people will have iphones. They then grab their phones and start "bumping," comparing apps or looking through websites together. Their need to show off their toy leads them to start this elite club and exclude them from the rest of the group. Everyone else is chatting and socializing. They are chiming in every now and again with a "look at this thing my phone can do" and show you a pair of rolling dice or a zippo you can light by shaking the phone. When you get home you discover fifteen pics and status updates from the evening on their facebook which is funny b/c they would have had more fun actually interacting with the people there rather than having a playdate with their phone and five of their phone's closest friends.
I get irritated with the lack of social skills of many cell phone users. My husband thinks I am overreacting and not changing with the times. I truly think, however, that chatting on the phone while in the car is rude to the other people who might like to be chatting with you in person. Texting and updating your FB status while in a small group social setting is also rude. I have texted people while out socially but generally they go like this "where are you?" "when are you getting here" or "are the children ok and the house still standing"
Cell phones are great things. Gone are the days of leaving sixteen emergency numbers for the sitters. Gone are the days of having to find a pay phone and risking scary cootie germie bugs to call someone while out. Gone are the days of having to answer the phone when my mother in law calls (now she calls my husband's phone exclusively...not sure she even has my number). I just worry that we have created a huge umbilical cord to the cyberworld, so much so that we can't go more than a few minutes without checking email, FB, or blogs/message boards. The world wide web is great but it will never replace an actual friend and a real social relationship.....
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